Are you free to say what is in your mind? Do you have the right of assembly? Would you be mistreated because of your race or gender? Is your current residence a war zone or near one? Do you need to be vigilant whenever you walk outside your home? Do you have the flexibility to travel to places you want? Can you move your assets at will?

The country where we are born determines the way our life will unfold and later on that of our offspring, unfortunately we do not have a say in this regard. Other-times, it is the arrival of an unprecedented event like a natural disaster or a pandemic that throws our lives completely upside down. At different corners of the world, tragedies happen, in shocking numbers if you are careful checking international news. Therefore, don’t take for granted the things you have been enjoying, you might lose them overnight.
Despite origin and background, different factors prompt us to think of an option. Whether your preference lies in tax benefits, lifestyles, rule of law, easy travel or safety, there is always a scheme that is available somewhere. In fact, immigration by investment programmes are nothing new. Over the last decade numerous families have made use of them to create their second homes and build a future that is freer, safer and more stable when the going gets rough.
The immigration industry has not come to a halt during recent months, yet there is an obvious shift in people’s mindsets. The pandemic is perhaps a lesson for most of us if not all. When planning for a Plan B, more and more persons now rank a country with the parameters of quality healthcare services, food supply, low crime rate, an efficient government capable of dealing catastrophe in the future, as well as communities with strong social ties.
Our definition of a quality life varies among each other, however, feeling safe and secure are prerequisites for human beings. The recent health crisis makes us aware of the fragility of the body and soul, a decent healthcare system and a sense of community are therefore musts in an emergency plan from which we can establish another home or another business, not just a place where we flee to. A Back Up Plan is therefore short on being an exotic or a travel option, it is a lifeline.
Those unrelenting efforts and measures Greece adopted in fighting the coronavirus have earned global praise. In reality, the Greek success story has sparked an enthusiasm among foreign investors who purposefully look for an emergency plan that offers their family and assets safety amid a crisis. If you and your family desire a place for better protection of your health and wealth, the Greek Golden Visa programme may be your best bet at the moment. Aside from investing in Greek properties, the route that is the simplest and most popular, start or expand one’s businesses in the country or acquire shares of existing Greek companies are eligible options for entrepreneurs. On the other hand, savvy investors can choose between different financial products such as time deposit, mutual funds, equities, bonds and the like.